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get your questions answered

1. Which program should I start with?

  • If you’re more drawn to clearing old patterns, start with the Clearing Program. If finding purpose is your focus, the Discovery Program may be best. We can discuss this further during your Exploration Call.

2. Can I combine both programs?

  • Yes, we start with the Clearing Program and then integrate the Discovery Program at a pace that suits you

3. Are the programs tailored to me?

  • Absolutely. Both programs are customised to your unique needs and goals, whether it’s addressing specific challenges in the Clearing Program or exploring your passions in the Discovery Program.

4. How do sessions work?

  • Sessions are held over Zoom, lasting around 50 minutes. Please ensure you are in a quiet space free from distractions.

5. What is the duration of each program?

  • Clearing Program: 10 sessions completed within 12 weeks.

  • 10 sessions (6 with me, 4 self-guided) completed within 16 weeks.

6. Is there work outside of sessions?

  • Clearing Program: Minimal – 5 minutes daily to notice changes

  • Discovery Program: Interactive tasks and a 30-minute pre-program assignment.

7. How can I ask more questions?

  • If you have further questions, please> Click Here

8. I'm ready to Apply

  • Great! Click here to book your Exploration Call.

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