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Apply for your free
Exploration Call

Ready to transform your life?

Book a free Call

to see how the programs can help you achieve

confidence, clarity, and purpose

Is This Program Right for You?


  • I’m committed to clearing old patterns and discovering my true vision

  • I’m ready to invest time and energy into my personal growth

  • I take ownership of my life and actions


  • I can’t commit time to improving myself right now

  • I’m not ready to invest in changing my life

  • I blame others for what’s happening in my life

if you answered YES,
Book in your free Exploration Call today


"Stavros is a magician. He opened the space up for me to be vulnerable. I grew to understand this was really important in order to get out of my head and into what I was truly feeling. He has a calming vibe and is very in tune and attentive, making sure the work that is being done stays on track and focused. As focused as Stavros is, he also has a kind and friendly way about him."


"All business and let's get stuff done.  It worked very well and I really liked working with Stav and having him push me."


"Absolutely amazing working with you!  I enjoyed our time together and am very happy we were able to plough through so many things. You truly have a gift of catching the subtle things, guiding and providing a safe container to work through what come up in the moments."


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